from collections import defaultdict, deque
II = lambda : int(input())
MII = lambda : map(int, input().split())
n, m = MII()
adj = defaultdict(list)
for _ in range(m):
u, v = MII()
adj[u - 1].append(v - 1)
adj[v - 1].append(u - 1)
a = list(MII())
q = deque()
st = [0] * n
cnt = [0] * n
for i, [x, y] in enumerate(zip(cnt, a)):
if x == y: q.append(i)
while len(q):
v = q.popleft()
st[v] = 1
cnt[v] += 1
for nxt in adj[v]:
cnt[nxt] += 1
if cnt[nxt] == a[nxt] and st[nxt] == 0:
st[nxt] = 1
if len(q): print(-1)
print(*[i + 1 for i, x in enumerate(st) if x])
1475B - New Year's Number | 461A - Appleman and Toastman |
320B - Ping-Pong (Easy Version) | 948A - Protect Sheep |
387A - George and Sleep | 53A - Autocomplete |
1729G - Cut Substrings | 805B - 3-palindrome |
805C - Find Amir | 676C - Vasya and String |
1042B - Vitamins | 1729F - Kirei and the Linear Function |
25D - Roads not only in Berland | 1694A - Creep |
659F - Polycarp and Hay | 1040A - Palindrome Dance |
372A - Counting Kangaroos is Fun | 1396B - Stoned Game |
16A - Flag | 1056A - Determine Line |
670B - Game of Robots | 1418C - Mortal Kombat Tower |
1382B - Sequential Nim | 1272C - Yet Another Broken Keyboard |
808A - Lucky Year | 1245A - Good ol' Numbers Coloring |
58B - Coins | 1041C - Coffee Break |
507A - Amr and Music | 1041D - Glider |